そろそろ日本も外国人労働者を根底から見直すべき時期が到来しているのでは?/Isn’t it time for Japan to rethink foreign workers from the ground up?
(English follows after Japanese)
以 上
The Notification System for Employment Status of Foreign Nationals started in 2007.
The below graph shows the changes of the foreign workers in Japan over the 14 years from 2008 to 2021.
The number of foreign workers as of the end of October 2021 was 1,727,221. The number of business establishments employing foreign workers reached 285,080, an increase of 17,837 (+6.2%) over the previous year, both of which are record highs.
However, the upward trend in the number of foreign workers has slowed down considerably for these two years in 2020 and 2021, probably due to the Corona disaster.
Looking at the breakdown by nationality, workers from Vietnam, which overtook China to become the top nationality in 2020, continued to account for the largest number of workers (453,344, or 26.2% of the total number of foreign workers).
This was followed by China with 397,084 (23.0%) and the Philippines with 191,083 (11.1%).
Breakdown by status of residence, the largest number of workers was 580,328 (33.6%) in the “status of residence based on status,” including permanent residents, spouses of Japanese nationals, and spouses of permanent residents, followed by 394,509 (22.8%) in the “status of residence in the professional and technical fields” and 351,788 (20.4%) in the “technical intern training” category. The situation is as follows.
For those foreigners who wish to work in Japan, the hurdles to working in Japan are still quite high.
Looking back at the comparative data of salary levels in OECD countries in 2020, the annual wage in Japan is $38,515. In the United States, the annual wage is $69,391, just under double that of Japan. Even among European countries, Germany has $53,745, France $45,581, and the UK $47,147. Even neighboring South Korea is at $40,960. Japan is almost 10% behind Korea.
The trend of declining birthrate and aging population is not going away, and the shortage of labor force is becoming more and more serious.
The government has strict regulations on who can work in Japan, and the wages are low. There has been no end to the number of cases of poor employment conditions for technical interns that violate the Labor Standards Law.
Isn’t it imperative that a drastic review of the acceptance of foreign workers be conducted as soon as possible?
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